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This could have been us

Every franchise in the NFL is its own thing, but the one that I would say is closest to the Eagles are the Colts. Yes Jim Irsay is unintentionally hilarious, but as a franchise these teams operate fairly identically. Sometimes too much so.

Alternate but co-existing universes

For starters, since 1995, Lurie’s first full season and Irsay’s first season taking over team control, they have stunningly similar achievements.

Colts: 10 division titles, 18 playoff appearances, 5 AFCCG appearances, 2 Super Bowl appearances, 1 Super Bowl win

Eagles: 9 division titles, 16 playoff appearances, 6 NFCCG appearances, 2 Super bowl appearances, 1 Super Bowl win

So there’s an alternate universe where the Eagles are the Colts and the Colts are the Eagles, and.