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Sielski: With Eagles, Smith out to show he's the same speedster he's always been

All right, Super Preppie, drop your pants. I'd like a word outside. Take off those khakis and that Banana Republic V-neck sweater, throw on some mesh shorts and a pair of light, low-cut Adidas, and let's get after this. Yeah, it's snowing. So what? You, too, TV Guy. Loosen that tie, lose the blazer, and join us in the NovaCare Center parking lot. I'll stay in this sleek gray suit and these dress shoes, thank you very much. Even give you a 10-yard head start. Same with you, Middle-Aged Sports Scribe. You don't even have to change. That untucked Target button-down flapping over your belly is only going to billow in my wake anyway.