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Michael Bennett was reportedly a ‘pain in the ass’ and a ‘problem’ for Seahawks coaches in 2017

Whenever a talented player is acquired for a low price that seems too good to be true, there’s always a question: what’s the catch?

In these situations, it usually doesn’t take long for a player’s former team to leak unflattering commentary about them to the media. We saw this with Eagles’ trade for Jay Ajayi during the 2017 season.

Now we’re already beginning to hear some concerns about new Eagles pass rusher Michael Bennett. Via Albert Breer of The MMQB:

We’ll have more on the Michael Bennett trade later in the column, but I wanted to address first what the Eagles are getting from the Seahawks: A player who isn’t quite what he was and picked his spots more than he has in the past, according to the three offensive coaches I asked about him.