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From Terrell Owens to Curt Schilling to Nick Foles, it's time for a new way to think about the baseball and football Halls of Fame | Mike Sielski

The National Baseball and Pro Football Halls of Fame will hold their induction ceremonies soon — the former, next week; the latter, the following week — and their proximal timing isn’t the only thing that links them.

As compared to, say, the Naismith Memorial Basketball Hall of Fame or the Hockey Hall of Fame, baseball and football’s Halls always seem to have some controversy swirling around them when it comes to the selection of their inductees. The same is true this year. Though baseball’s class – which includes former Phillies first baseman Jim Thome – has inspired little to no outrage or argument, the first weekend in Canton will be a bit unorthodox, thanks to (surprise, surprise) former Eagles wide receiver Terrell Owens, who plans to skip the festivities because he was voted into the Hall on his third appearance on the ballot and not his first.