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Eagles News: Jalen Carter has his sights set on Defensive Rookie of the Year

Spadaro: Jalen Carter adapts to life in the NFL -
Carter said he aspires to become the NFL’s Defensive Rookie of the Year, but that is as far as he goes in speculating or wishcasting. Ask him about his role and he says he is looking to make an impact every time he is on the field. Ask him about bigger goals and he shrugs off the question. Carter is doing it all the right way – he is staying quiet, hunkering down on the responsibility of the NFL. Defensive coordinator Sean Desai said Carter is, like young players at this level, “learning to be a pro” and with that comes the understanding that it is wonderful and necessary to have talent, but perfecting technique and mastering the scheme and gaining a doctorate-level understanding of how it works in the trenches in the NFL is what separates players.