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Didinger: Maxie Baughan Was Philly Tough

Maxie Baughan didn't know what to expect when he was drafted by the Eagles in 1960. A kid from Forkland, Alabama, he knew very little about professional football. At the time, there was no NFL franchise south of Washington, D.C. and there was no network TV package.

"I didn't even know the names of the (pro) teams," Baughan said, "so when the Eagles drafted me I figured, 'OK, I'll see what this is all about.'"

Baughan was the Eagles’ second-round pick, a 6-1, 225-pound linebacker from Georgia Tech. Their first pick, running back Ron Burton from Northwestern, signed with the Boston Patriots of the American Football League, so Baughan arrived to the scrutiny normally associated with a first-round selection.