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WATCH: Sixers' Joel Embiid plugs FIFA World Cup 2018 on FOX Sports

All eyes in the soccer world will turn to Moscow on June 14th for the beginning of the 2018 FIFA World Cup.

That includes Sixers center (and noted soccer fan) Joel Embiid.

In fact, Embiid is such a big soccer fan that he is helping FOX Sports promote its coverage of the FIFA World Cup.

Check out the video at the top of this story, in which Embiid is joined by David Beckham, Alex Morgan, Evander Holyfield and Deadpool (aka Ryan Reynolds) to pump up FOX's coverage.

Below is a list of some young players hoping to make a big impact at the World Cup in Russia, per the Associated Press:


When France won the World Cup in 1998, it was formidably effective down the left flank.