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Top storylines to watch in Sixers’ second scrimmage

The first look at the return of Sixers basketball left fans craving more and luckily there is not a long wait for them to take the court again. The Sixers will be taking on the Oklahoma City Thunder at 12PM for their second scrimmage in Orlando. There is a renewed sense of optimism surrounding the team after the debut of their new-look starting lineup on Friday. Hopes are higher than they have been all season for the Sixers and they are showing the early signs of peaking at a time when it matters most. There is still plenty to learn and it should be expected that Brett Brown rotates through the roster in a similar way that was seen in the first game but here are some storylines to follow:

Ben and Shake:

This is the most obvious storyline to watch for and most impactful on how high the Sixer’s ceiling is as a team.