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Sixers reveal “City Edition” jerseys

We’ve already seen some clean new jerseys from Nike this year. There have been complaints about torn uniforms and no Christmas-themed threads, but in general, the designs have lived up to the preseason hype.

The Philadelphia 76ers didn’t change much with their everyday jerseys, as their ‘Association’ and ‘Icon’ jerseys closely resemble the uniforms we’ve seen for the past couple of years — albeit there were some slight modifications. Their ‘Statement‘ jerseys, however, put a new twist on the red jerseys we had seen in years prior, featuring cursive-esque font on the front.

In a way, the Sixers’ new ‘City Edition’ jerseys are in the same vein:

According to the Sixers’ website, their newest threads are inspired by the Declaration of Indepedence, featuring parchment coloring and font that mimics the historical text.