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Ranking the 16 Best Players in the Sixers-Raptors Series

As we prepare for the upcoming Eastern Conference Semifinals series between the Philadelphia 76ers and the Toronto Raptors, I reached out to our friends over at Raptors HQ with a simple idea: let’s rank the 16 best players in this series. Daniel Reynolds (@aka_Reynolds), Managing Editor at Raptors HQ, was kind enough to participate.

We built our lists and exchanged them. There were some discrepancies, but ultimately we got a single list together that we were both happy with. You? Eh, maybe not so much. (Let us know!)

We wanted to keep the post from getting too long, so what we did is this: the entire rankings are posted on both sites, however, only the Toronto players blurbs are posted here on Liberty Ballers and only the Sixers players blurbs are posted on Raptors HQ.