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Joel Embiid dazzles in NBA Africa Game

Pending the final results of the Markelle Fultz shooting restoration project, Sixers fans are already on standby to build a statue outside the Wells Fargo Center honoring trainer Drew Hanlen. However, Hanlen also appears to be doing some mighty fine work with Fultz’s teammate, Joel Embiid. Back on Wednesday, Hanlen tweeted out a video comparing Embiid to Hakeem Olajuwon, while including the hashtag #pointcenter:

Yesterday, in the 2018 NBA Africa Game, we got to see the point center in action, and as Mugatu would say, “Dear God, it’s beautiful.”

Embiid was already one of the most dominating presences in the league, and now he’s out there with the ball on a string like a 7-foot Kyrie Irving.