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Donnellon: So who wants to fire Brett Brown now? Anybody?

Related Topics: Brett Brown, Rhetorical question

It was just a month ago when the following was a rhetorical question:

Which professional coach in town is most likely to be fired next?

I forget how high the percentage was when they did one of those instant polls that day I was on Philly Sports Talk, but Brett Brown was the runaway winner. Or loser. We all agreed with the poll, especially given that the general manager who hired him was no longer the general manager judging the job he was doing, and that the team’s improvement, via its record, was hardly discernible.

A long-time supporter, I had even become somewhat alarmed that it was he now who most often had to point out how many point guards and players had been run through here during his four seasons as head coach and that the draft choices by which this whole "process’’ thing was based were either still injured, just injured, or in their NBA embryonic state.