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Delaware Blue Coats Roundup: Jonah Bolden up and down, Shake Milton bounces back

The Delaware Blue Coats kicked off their season this weekend against the Raptors 905 (Raptors affiliate) and the Maine Red Claws (Celtics affiliate), walking away with a disappointing 0-2 record. Despite losing both games (126-125 vs. Raptors 905, 132-124 vs. Red Claws), there were some positives for the Blue Coats. Demetrius Jackson and Shake Milton are both on two-way contracts with the Sixers, and Jonah Bolden, though currently demoted to the G-League, is on a 4-year deal with the Sixers. All three players showed flashes over the Blue Coats opening weekend.

Demetrius Jackson

Demetrius Jackson likes it in the G-League, or at least his results would indicate as much.