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David Stern offers views on LeBron James, Donald Trump and national anthem protests | Marcus Hayes

David Stern doesn’t know where LeBron James will sign, either.

In a wide-ranging interview after a lunchtime seminar, Stern said Wednesday that if he was still NBA commissioner and he was confronted with a national anthem protest by Mahmoud Abdul-Rauf he might handle it more delicately and sympathetically, considering how the political climate has changed. And, as social media becomes more prevalent, he has no problem with Twitter beefs among players – at least, not as long as Donald Trump continues his uncivil, unpresidential tweet-athon.

But Stern isn’t commissioner today. He bequeathed his throne to Adam Silver in 2014, which freed him to watch the Sixers’ three-year tank-a-pa-looza from afar (he was not a fan) and to do things like he did Wednesday when he served as the keynote speaker at the Sixers’ sports science summit.