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Are the Sixers stuck with Ben Simmons?

I’ll start this column by saying something that is just obvious:

“Ben Simmons had a HORRIFIC playoff series against the Atlanta Hawks.”

I won’t deny it, and we don’t need to get into specifics, but if you want to, here you go — if you care to re-open that wound.

Ben Simmons 4th quarter this series:
Game 1: 2-2 FG
Game 2: 0-0 FG
Game 3: 1-1 FG
Game 4: 0-0 FG
Game 5: 0-0 FG
Game 6: 0-0 FG
Game 7: 0-0 FG— Tom Haberstroh (@tomhaberstroh) June 21, 2021

Here we are on Thursday — over 72 hours later.