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15 Days Till Sixers: Picks, Pick Swaps, Protections

It's all been leading up to this. Not this 'the season', 'this' the moment that we'll say "it's all been leading up to this." The 2016 NBA Draft is the 'this'. So I should say: "It's all been leading up to all leading up to this." And with that squared away, let's talk about Sixers draft picks.

COUNT THE PICKZ has been the Sixers fan's substitute for the more traditional COUNT THE RINGZ since Sam Hinkie took over. Inheriting a team in the hole for two first round picks spent on the rotting corpses of 1) the right to select Arnett Moultrie and 2) Andrew Bynum, Hinkie used his ingenuity and ownership's long leash to overhaul the incumbents and replace them with projectable athletes and pocketed future picks.