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Former St. Mary's standout Aquira DeCosta on her difficult decision to come home

Jan 2, 2020 at 4:43 PM

STOCKTON — Nine months ago, Aquira DeCosta celebrated with her Baylor University teammates on the Amalie Arena court in Tampa Bay, Florida, after winning the NCAA women's Division 1 national championship.

The year was everything DeCosta had hoped to christen her collegiate career. She said that moment stands out for her during her time in Waco, Texas.

But DeCosta also said she later realized a change was needed.

“I would rather go to a place where I am needed and not just wanted," she said. "After that, I just wanted to go back home to California”

In mid-November DeCosta decided to return home and committed to Loyola Marymount University — a program has one NCAA Tournament appearance in its history.