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Marshawn Lynch injury-cart bobblehead night was as epic as anticipated

BERKELEY, Calif. -- Sam's is an iconic grease pit in San Francisco's North Beach neighborhood, a no-frills type of restaurant that, according to Anthony Bourdain, serves one of the world's top three burgers.

In the early hours of Saturday morning, Sam's counted one of the great running backs in football history, Marshawn Lynch, among its patrons. Wearing shiny gold shoes and holding a burrito in his hand, the former California and Seattle Seahawks star waited patiently for his order in Sam's cramped, fluorescent-lit quarters.

Lynch was asked if he'd be attending his own bobblehead night --scheduled on Saturday night for Cal's game against Washington -- where the Golden Bears would be giving out 10,000 replicas of his famous 2006 celebratory joyride on an injury cart.