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Vitaly Abramov: Belleville’s Unsung Hero

In every great movie, there is a star that carries the action. If you’re looking for examples, simply check out Meryl Streep’s IMDB page. But, while Streep is an impeccable actress with a mantle decorated with accolades, there are few films she’s starred in that are without an excellent supporting cast. In The Devil Wears Prada, Stanley Tucci’s portrayal of Nigel was a wonderful compliment. In Julie & Julia, Amy Adams’s sense of innocence and curiosity is what creates the intrigue that is Julia Childs. In It’s Complicated - a vastly underrated comedy - Alec Baldwin’s performance as Streep’s ex and/or current partner, depending on where you are in the plot, shows us a side of Jane Adler we’d be unable to see without him.