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Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao pay-per-view buys could be over 5 million

The Floyd Mayweather-Manny Pacquiao fight last weekend is on pace to not just set a record for pay-per-view buys, but also to possibly double the previous high.

Kevin Iole of Yahoo! Sports got some figures and said the satellite carriers DirecTV and Dish Network combined for 1.65 million sales, and that AT&T and Verizon Fios combined for 600,000 sales. That adds up to 2.25 million. Iole says all those companies usually comprise about 40 percent of the total pay-per-view sales and that cable companies account for the rest.

If you apply Iole’s traditional formula to this fight, that would indicate the total buys for the fight are around 5.