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Q & A: Previewing Friday’s game against the Nuggets

Related Topics: Friday, Adam Mares

Having tons of familiarity with the team that we follow, but not being as knowledgeable about what’s going on around the league, is something we’re all a little guilty of. I’m going to try and make an effort this year to reach out and network with some other SB Nation bloggers around the NBA to preview significant games on Orlando’s schedule. This time around, Adam Mares of Denver Stiffs was kind enough to answer some questions I prepared for him to help preview Saturday’s match-up between the Magic and the Denver Nuggets.

1) For those of us that aren't privileged enough to be able watch Nikola Jokic on a nightly basis, can you fill us in on some of the things he does on the court that makes him such an underrated star in this league?