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Weekend Quack Fix 2-2-2019: Best Groundhog Day?

Harold Ramis said that Bill Murray was trapped in Groundhog Day for 10 years. That is 3650 mornings of Sonny and Cher, so one can hardly blame Phil Connors for hopping into the bathtub with a toaster.

But it got me thinking - what would the BEST ever Groundhog Day be? Clearly it would be different for every person, so this is our exercise for the day. Excluding the day you got married or your children were born, what day of your life would you pick to be your Groundhog Day?

I was tempted to simply live the third quarter of the 2015 Rose Bowl over and over for a decade, but in the end I think I might go with a perfect day on the slopes at Bachelor circa 1999.