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Legal Representatives, Legal Aid & & For The Public Good Services

Florida Bar Association, July 1, 2006. Abel, England as well as Wales, 176; Hazard, 90– 93; Murray, 325; and also Pérez-Perdomo, “Venezuelan Lawful Profession,” 387. It is common for English-language male attorneys to use the honorific suffix “Esq.” (for “Esquire”).

Lawyers can serve as legal protection standing for customers in civil or criminal proceedings, as lawyers for a plaintiff in civil proceedings, or as prosecutors standing for the federal government in criminal process. They may launch claims, stand for private citizens, corporations, or the government, or offer in consultatory positions. Legal representatives might legitimately practice after finishing a Juris Doctor (JD) level, which is an expert doctorate, as well as efficiently passing bench exam in the state( s) in which they want to work.