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The story behind UCLA gymnast Katelyn Ohashi's perfect 10, viral routine

We’ve all seen it by now — the viral, two-minute video of UCLA gymnast Katelyn Ohashi's captivating floor routine.

Her unbridled joy, combined with her acrobatic flips, splits and dance moves and a legendary lineup of songs, resulted in a perfect 10 from the judges, as well as 38 million video views on UCLA Gymnastics' tweet and more than 858,000 retweets and favorites as of Wednesday morning.

Put simply: This wasn't your typical floor routine. But for more reasons than the obvious.

Rewind a few years, when the now 21-year-old senior — an Olympic hopeful who was on top of the gymnastics world, having beaten eventual four-time Olympic gold medalist Simone Biles at the 2013 American Cup — decided to retire from elite-level gymnastics after serious injuries and years of physical and mental burnout reached a boiling point.