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Taste of The Tour: Fondue and sponge cake in Haute-Savoie

MEGEVE, France (AP) — A gastronomical, sporting and cultural glance at Stage 18 of the Tour de France on Thursday:

REGION: After two stages in Switzerland, the race crossed back into France for a 17-kilometer (10.5-mile) individual time trial from Sallanches to Megeve in the Haute-Savoie region.

BAGUETTE AND BUTTER: Chris Froome won the stage and opened up a seemingly insurmountable lead of 3 minutes, 52 seconds over his closest challenger, Bauke Mollema. Taking his second stage win of this year's Tour, Froome finished 21 seconds ahead of Dutch rider Tom Dumoulin.

PLAT DU JOUR: Most of the typical Haute-Savoie dishes are made with cheese and potatoes.