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Sochi Olympic choir that sang ‘Get Lucky’ among plane crash victims

MOSCOW (AP) — The Russian military choir that lost most of its singers in a plane crash Sunday is often described as the Kremlin’s “singing weapon.”

The Alexandrov Ensemble, sometimes referred to as the Red Army choir, was founded in the 1920s. It won global fame with its patriotic repertoire during Soviet times, but in recent years has sought to cater to modern audiences. Many of its performances have gone viral, including a rousing rendition of Daft Punk’s “Get Lucky” by singers in full military dress at the opening of the 2014 Winter Olympics in Sochi.

Sixty-four members of the ensemble, including director Valery Khalilov, were heading from Sochi to Russia’s air base in Syria to perform a New Year’s concert for troops when their plane crashed into the Black Sea on Sunday.