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Skier Lloyd Wallace's journey from coma to history at Pyeongchang Games

PYEONGCHANG, South Korea — It’s probably better that British freestyle skier Lloyd Wallace doesn’t remember, and that he’s never seen footage of the accident that forced him into a coma and erased five days of his life from his memory.

“If there is any,” Wallace said Tuesday of a fall in August in Switzerland that could have ended much worse, “I definitely don’t want to see it.”

He just wants to get to Saturday and history, as the first British aerial skier to compete in the Olympics since Kevin Harbut in 1998 in Nagano. Ten years earlier, his father, Robin, competed in the sport — which was then a demonstration sport — for Great Britain in Calgary, and his mother, Jilly Curry, placed fourth in Albertville in 1992 and competed in Lillehammer in 1994.