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Pistorius family reports threats ahead of murder sentencing

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — Oscar Pistorius and other relatives have been threatened in an extortion attempt ahead of the former track star’s sentencing on July 6 for the murder of girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp, Pistorius’ family said Monday.

South African police said they are investigating alleged threats of violence made in WhatsApp messages to Arnoldus Pistorius, a cousin of the double-amputee Olympian.

“We are aware of the allegations,” said Brig. Hangwani Mulaudzi, spokesman for the Hawks, a police investigative unit.

The man who sent the messages initially told Pistorius’ cousin that he had evidence that would undermine testimony for the prosecution at Pistorius’ sentencing hearing last week, said Anneliese Burgess, a spokeswoman for the Pistorius family.