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Opinion: Looking back on 2018, athletes who dared to speak out became our heroes

Several Team USA Olympians surprised the Agoura High School baseball and softball teams with much-needed gifts. USA TODAY

In the year 2068, what will they remember most about sports in 2018? Fifty years from now, what will matter?

Just as we look back 50 years and identify 1968 as a year of sports protest and upheaval in the midst of national tragedy and violence, the 2018 year in sports will be remembered as a reflection of the culture of our time.

So, while the startling comebacks of Serena Williams and Tiger Woods and the continued dominance of LeBron James will not be forgotten — and the athletic brilliance of the Philadelphia Eagles, Washington Capitals and Boston Red Sox will stay with their fans forever — it’s a good bet that the bravery of Simone Biles, Aly Raisman, Jordyn Wieber, Rachael Denhollander and more than 350 other survivors of Larry Nassar’s sexual abuse will be the bigger takeaway from 2018.