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Olympic 2018 Medal Count: Final Medal Tally for Each Country on Saturday

Saturday's slate at the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang was loaded from start to finish, as several nations started to establish their dominance by ascending to the podium in various disciplines.

Chief among them were the Netherlands and Norway.

The Dutch vaulted up the medal leaderboard by sweeping the podium in the women's 3,000-meter speedskating competition while nabbing a silver in the men's short-track contest.

Norway also scooped up four medals (one bronze and three silvers) with strong showings in the women's biathlon, women's cross-country skiing and men's ski jumping.

Not to be overlooked was Germany, which took home a pair of gold medals thanks to women's biathlon champion Laura Dahlmeier and Andreas Wellinger—who completed a jump of 113.