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Mary Keitany wins third straight NYC Marathon in rout; Molly Huddle makes podium

NEW YORK — Mary Keitany received two phrases of advice from her 3-year-old daughter before the New York City Marathon on Sunday.

“Good luck,” young Samantha said. “Try not to fall down.”

Keitany told her she would try her best.

Several hours later, Keitany brisked through Central Park for her third straight New York City Marathon title, with the largest winning margin since 1984.

Samantha and her son, 8-year-old Jared, were waiting.

“When I crossed the line, she [Samantha] was happy,” the 34-year-old Keitany said. “Ultimately, I was happy, too.”

The Kenyan Keitany became the first runner to win three straight New York City titles since Norwegian Grete Waitz won five of her record nine from 1981 through 1986.