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Golf, Super Bowl show precedent for reshuffling calendar

The 2001 Ryder Cup was scheduled for Sept. 28-30 of that year. In the wake of the Sept. 11 attacks, that Ryder Cup was postponed to 2002.

But just as the Tokyo Olympics will still be called Tokyo 2020, that Ryder Cup is, in many references, still the 2001 competition. Signage at The Belfry said “1927-2001.” U.S. captain Curtis Strange refused to reconsider his wild-card picks a year later and noted that the team’s gear still said “2001.”

Most importantly, the trophy was embossed with the year “2001.”

Instead of doubling up on Ryder Cups in back-to-back years, the competition shifted to even-numbered years, and future Ryder Cups bore the names of the year in which they were actually played.