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At Olympics, Chloe Kim takes family on one more epic ride

PYEONGCHANG, South Korea (AP) — Chloe Kim stamped her name on a new era of snowboarding with a run down the halfpipe that, officially, did not mean anything, but to her, meant everything.

The Olympic gold medal was already hers but she knew she could do better. So, she cinched on her gloves, cranked up "Motorsport" on her iPod, said "This one's for you grams" — a shout-out to her South Korean grandmother, who was watching her in person for the first time — and dropped into the halfpipe to make history.

On the last run of Tuesday's sunsplashed final, Kim hit back-to-back 1080-degree spins on her second and third jumps — repeating a combination no other woman has ever done in a competition.