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Aliona Kostornaya, world’s top figure skater last season, leaves coach Yevgeny Plushenko

Aliona Kostornaya, the world’s best figure skater last season, left coach Yevgeny Plushenko for former coach Eteri Tutberidze,on at least a months-long trial basis, in the latest change for a top Russian woman.

Kostornaya said that she realized this season if she was with Tutberidze, she would be able to push herself to do more, according to a Russian TV interview transcript published Saturday. Tutberidze said she wants Kostornaya to get back her triple Axel, a jump she performed in 2019-20 but not this past season.

Kostornaya, the favorite for the 2020 World Championships before they were canceled, was not on Russia’s three-woman team named on Monday for this season’s world championships later this month.