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Just as 2018 is not 2014, so 2019 may not be 2015 for Oklahoma State football

We’ve discussed ad nauseam the similarities and differences between this season and 2014, the last time OSU struggled to reach bowl eligibility.

While both seasons are considered down years, the trajectory of each couldn’t have been any more different.

For one, 2018 will go down in the history books as “What could have been.” I don’t think there is any question that the Taylor Cornelius-led Cowboys would have absolutely rolled the Daxx Garman squad. The offensive talent alone rivals that of 2012, 2013, and 2015.

Both seasons featured coaches struggling to find the right fit for the talent (Tyreek Hill, Taylor Cornelius), and points in the season where both teams suddenly turned into something they hadn’t been earlier in the season (2014 post-Garman injury…2018 post bye week).