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It Might Be Time to Start Thinking About Alternatives for the CFB Season

I know all of this still sounds so bizarre and maybe even panicky because college football is still so far away, but with the White House’s recent guidelines extended to April 30 and the estimation of over 100,000 people dead from the coronavirus pandemic, I remain convinced that football won’t be played in 2020. I hope I’m wrong about that — I hope more than anyone I know that I’m wrong about that — but the evidence is starting to mount, and the time is starting to dwindle.

Earlier this week, Brett McMurphy (himself an OSU guy) put together an anonymous survey of nearly every FBS athletic director and what their collective expectation is regarding a 2020 season on a scale of 1-10 with a 1 being “there definitely won’t be a season” and a 10 being “there will definitely be a season.