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High Noon Highlights(2/14): Shaq’s experience with Big Country

Shaq isn’t one to say much of his old opponents. One player that does stick out in his mind is Bryant “Big Country” Reeves. He said during TNT’s pregame show “Two guys I could never figure out,” “Muresan and that damn Big Country.”

Berry Trammel of the Oklahoman took a look at the career of Reeves against O’Neal.

The next two Januarys, Reeves had really good games against O’Neal – 16 points and 10 rebounds, shooting 7-of-13 from the field, while Shaq had 24/12 shooting 9-of-18, and 24 points and 11 rebounds, shooting 11 of 15, while Shaq had 25/14, shooting 9 of 20.