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Friday Giveaway: PFB Store Credit on YETIs

Related Topics: Yeti, I Actually

After selling out of our first 40 YETIs, we just restocked our shelves with 40 more. I actually didn’t get one in our first batch but did grab one of the second batch, and they’re even better in person than they look.

I’ve been drinking Hoboken Coffee (shout out!) from mine for a while as my oldest son demanded my old, thrown-together PFB YETI that was basically a YETI with a PFB sticker on it. This one is, uh, way better.

Additionally, if you buy one of these YETIs today and post a screenshot of the receipt in the comments of this post, we will randomly select one of you at the end of the day to receive a $50 gift card to our store (to get more great gear of course).