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Column: Pep rally takes Cowboy football in new – and fun – direction

The lunchtime crowd at the Student Union was larger and more lively than it is on a typical weekday.

People gathered on all levels of the atrium and clapped along to “Ride ‘Em Cowboys,” welcoming the guests of honor. Public address announcer Larry Reece’s voice boomed into the microphone as he interviewed Chuba Hubbard, Tylan Wallace and Amen Ogbongbemiga. From the third-floor balcony, coach Mike Gundy watched the scene unfold, standing above players and fans who were cheering and showing their enthusiasm about Cowboy football.

The pep rally on Tuesday was something unusual for Gundy’s program. It was fresh and different from the norm; it was a smart public relations step for a team that had already been receiving a notable amount of positive attention.