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OU women's gymnastics: Maggie Nichols' greatness is about more than titles or records

NORMAN — Kelly Garrison-Funderburk remembers clearly the first time she met Maggie Nichols.

Garrison-Funderburk was at OU’s gymnastics facility when Nichols, then a freshman, walked in. Right away, Garrison-Funderburk noticed the confidence. Not arrogance but rather confidence rooted in experience.

Garrison-Funderburk knew that attitude because like Nichols, she had been an elite-level gymnast before becoming a Sooner. She had put in the practice. She had performed on the big stages.

She hadn’t seen much of Nichols’ gymnastics before that day almost four years ago, but Garrison-Funderburk knew what was in store.

“I expect you to break every record I ever set,” she told Nichols that day.