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Josh Huestis report card: Defense good, offense not so much

Related Topics: Josh Huestis, Report card, Haaretz, Goods

Corner 3’s: D. Just 41 of Huestis’ 115 3-point shots were from the distance-friendly corner. That 35.7 percent was the lowest on the Thunder, aside from point guards and sharpshooters. And Huestis made just 26.8 percent of those corner 3’s, worse than any teammate other than Roberson. Huestis’ best path to a long career is to defend and hit corner 3’s.

Perimeter defense: B. Huestis is a quality defender. The Thunder’s defense held up to some degree when Huestis filled in for the injured Roberson, and Huestis won a bunch of one-on-one matchups. The 11 players he was most matched up with were Klay Thompson, Harrison Barnes, C.