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Video: Ohio State Football Makes Use of Sugar Bowl Tick Play TD, Vincent Van Gogh Quote to Encapsulate 'The Grind'

Anybody reading an Ohio State football blog in early June has seen Evan Spencer's Sugar Bowl touchdown pass to Mike Thomas dozens, if not hundreds of times.

Most people are also familiar with famed Dutch painter, Vincent Van Gogh. (He's the guy who painted Starry Night and yes, once made a gift of his severed ear to a prostitute.)

Where most people would be stumped is drawing a comparison between Ohio State football and a painter that's been dead since — *checks Wikipedia* —1890.

Yet, there's a link to be found, as proven by this chill-inducing 16-second clip produced that was either produced by Urban Meyer or, more likely, Ohio State's football media team:

Embrace The Grind pic.