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Unrest Still Surrounds Big Ten's Decision, Winter Football Looks Like the Next Step and How the Extra Year of Eligibility Will Test Scholarship Limits

It's been two weeks since the Big Ten announced it was postponing fall sports, and people are still as angry as ever that Ohio State and other schools around the conference won't be playing football this fall.

So we couldn't have started this week's episode of Real Pod Wednesdays by talking about anything but what everyone else has been talking about for the past two weeks, as unrest continues to surround the Big Ten's decision while parents send letters to commissioner Kevin Warren and organize rallies.

After that, we look ahead to the Big Ten's reported plans for a winter football season – as it appears increasingly likely the conference will try to play in January – and explain why we think a winter season would be fascinating even though it might be only a small consolation if other conferences play this fall.