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The Season Dwayne Haskins Just Put Together Deserved Much More Attention Than It Got

I timed it. Five minutes and twenty-eight seconds.

That's how long the Dwayne Haskins portion of the Heisman ceremony lasted (which, as an aside, is a program that's as ungainly and awkward as trying to put a Christmas sweater on an obese house cat). In it, we were treated to the 89893278th showing of a very wee Dwayne proclaiming he would be a quarterback at Ohio State someday, a nice little interview with the Haskins family, a perfunctory rundown of his destruction of Michigan and... that was it.

Five minutes and twenty-eight seconds to boil down the greatest passing season in the history of the Big Ten, besting the likes of Drew Brees, Troy Smith, Jim freaking Harbaugh, and a bunch of other guys that weren't Heisman finalists so we won't bother to list them here.