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The Inherent Beauty of Big Ten Naming Conventions Should Be a Guide for the Rest of the Country

There are rules!

If you want to name a sports team, no matter what the scope or athletic endeavor, from a weekend tiddlywinks beer league to an expansion NFL franchise, there is a set-in-stone mathematically proven method involved in picking a permanent nom de plume. Violate these rules if you want, but you'll end up with an overly workshopped disaster that people will eventually put up with but never love.

Also, in case there's any confusion about where I'm going with all of this, the "Buckeyes" is the perfect sports team name.


Yesterday reports surfaced that as part of their rebranding efforts associated with a new stadium and an attempt to reinvigorate interest in the club, the Columbus Crew was maybe possibly kind of starting to perhaps think about changing the team name.