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Presidents' Day Skull Session: More Love for B.I.A., Tim Beck Said Division of Offensive Duties ’Was Weird’, and Cops Chat with Ezekiel Elliott

This day is called Presidents' Day but it should be called President's Day in honor of the alpha omega, Warren G. Harding, the 29th and greatest President of the United States.

Word of the day: Normalcy.

OSU GOES PRO. Most schools would be thankful for Ohio State's cornerback-to-NFL pipeline. It's No. 1 CB has been drafted ever year since Bradley Roby.

Urban Meyer and Kerry Coombs upped the ante instead. We could see three defensive backs selected in the Top 20.

Here's Bleacher Report NFL draft analyst Matt Miller:

Gareon Conley will enter the 2017 NFL draft, per sources.