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Order your limited edition Brutus Then and Now bobblehead now!

Related Topics: Brutus Buckeye, Taylor Mikesell

We Buckeye fans love our history, we love our traditions, and we love our mascot. So, when you put all of that love into one singular thing, what do you get? The new “Brutus Then and Now Bobblehead” from our fine friends at FOCO.

Normally, their “Then and Now” series takes a player from the past and pairs them with a modern star, but in this case, they are comparing the OG, 1965 Brutus Buckeye and placing him side-by-side with the version that we know and love today. While the original version of the humanoid, semi-poisonous nut might be enough to give small children nightmares, it is a beautiful ode to the past for the more seasoned fans amongst us.