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Is the Big Ten going to vote to play fall football today?

Is today the day? Are the Big Ten presidents and chancellors going to vote on Sunday to reverse course on their Aug. 11 decision to cancel the fall football season? At this point, who the hell knows?

As someone who has proudly been watching the ABC network soap operas (RIP “All My Children” and “One Life to Live”) for damn near 30 years, even I was not prepared for the number of twists and turns that this ridiculous saga has taken over the past month.

From players suing the conference to disagreements over a potential connection between COVID-19 and heart inflammation; from protests outside an empty B1G headquarters to every random social media account claiming to have inside sources that literally never proved to be true; from the conference office turning a difficult situation into a PR traveshamockery to conspiracy theories that rival the shit from the Denver Airport — it has been a nutty, maddening four weeks.