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Brice Sensabaugh is a 6-foot-6 Duane Washington, Blake Haubeil Chases NFL Dream, and Running Backs Take to the Kitchen

A day off of work during the early parts of the summer feels like nothing short of a Godsend and I hope today brings you all delightful combinations of burgers, beer and sunshine.

But while you enjoy your workless Monday, please take some time to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice, because that's what today is about.

Word of the Day: Obluqoy.

GRILLING SZN. The best and most correct way to observe Memorial Day is by firing up that grill and tossing on your meats of choice.

That's where you'll find me on this scorching Monday afternoon, but it looks like Buckeye backs got a little head start on the holiday weekend on Friday, turning their grilling skills into a little friendly competition.