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Big Ten Has Nine Tournament Teams, Patrik Laine Helps Recruit For Buckeyes, and Saturday Night Live Gives TBDBITL Shoutout

Well. It looks like I'm going to have to fight Sister Jean. Rules are rules.

Word of the Day: Indisposed.

WORLD FAMOUS. I'm sure Saturday Night Live! gets mixed reviews around these parts, but I know The Best Damn Band In The Land sure doesn't. And SNL name-dropped the world's most famous marching band on (as you may have guessed) Saturday night.

My lone complaint: those ain't tubas, they're sousaphones. Other than that, A+.

B1G HEAVY. I'm not sure if this is a good thing, a bad thing or a medium thing, but for yet another year, the Big Ten has by far the most representatives in the NCAA Tournament.